What they are: Physicochemical identity


  • To develop the “What they are: Physicochemical identity” ITS.
  • To confirm intrinsic physicochemical properties relevant as criteria for grouping and for screening of properties of concern in Tier 1 of the GRACIOUS Framework.
  • To harmonize descriptors and curate all case study datasets with a sensitivity analysis.
  • To prioritise existing methods to quantify these descriptors for the purpose of in silico modelling (WP4-6) and to confirm their reproducibility.
  • To provide a detailed description of the Framework components, tools and read-across options accompanied by user level guidance and assess their applicability for regulation and SbD.


  • Contribute to the overall GRACIOUS Framework design and refinement.
  • Acquire existing physical and chemical characterisation knowledge for case study NMs/NFs and products, allowing identification of data gaps and generation of essential characterisation.
  • Curation and/or generation of descriptor and parameter arrays for case studies. 
  • Contribute to the Framework Guidance Document by refining the descriptor and parameter arrays according to case study feedback.

WP leader: Wendel Wohlleben BASF