The GRACIOUS Consortium developed a number of scientific, educational and innovation results. You can now watch on demand our educational videos and download our training materials.

Georgios Katalagarianakis, former European Commission - "Let's celebrate: Eleven years of the Venice Training School, sixteen years of European Nanosafety research. History, lessons learned and perspectives" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST - "Concepts of sustainable Nanofabrication" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Bengt Fadeel, Karolinska Institutet - "From Nanosafety to Nanomedicine: a 10-year Perspective" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Hedwig Braakhuis, RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: "Hazard to Human Health & Environment" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Sabina Halappanavar, Health Canada - "Adverse outcome pathways for nano safety assessment" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Samantha V. Llewellyn, Swansea University - "Development of an Advanced 3D Liver Model for Nanomaterial Testing" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Hedwig Braakhuis, RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: "Use of air-liquid exposure models for hazard testing of inhaled nanomaterials" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
"Hazard to Human Health & Environment - Exercise" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Teresa Fernandes, Heriot-Watt University; Socorro Vazquez, LEITAT Technological Center; Sam Harrison, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Joris Quik, RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment - "Fate & Exposure Assessment" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Vicki Stone, Heriot-Watt University; Agnes Oomen, RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment - "Similarity Assessment, Grouping and Read Across Approaches (Part 1)" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Nina Jeliazkova, IdeaConsult Ltd; Richard Cross, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology - "Similarity Assessment, Grouping and Read Across Approaches (Part 2)" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Alex Zabeo, Greendecision S.r.l. - "Risk assessment & Management" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Martin Himly, University of Salzburg; Sabine Hofer, University of Salzburg; Nobert Hofstaetter, University of Salzburg - "Risk Governance (Part 1)" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Dmitri Ciornii, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung; Daan Schuurbiers, De Proeffabriek - "Risk Governance (Part 2)" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Giulia Mancardi, Politecnico di Torino; Vio Buchete, University College Dublin; Agur Sevink, Leiden University - "Modelling and Closing Remarks" You can find the link to the e-learning video HERE.
Expect soon.....