GRACIOUS aims to support regulators, industry and decision makers by providing suitable decision making methodologies and tools to conduct grouping, leading to read-across for risk assessment and/or classification of nanomaterials (NMs) /nanoforms (NFs).
How to get involved?
If you are interested in getting engaged in the GRACIOUS project by providing your input into the framework, contact us on
From the start of the project we will engage with communities of relevant stakeholders from regulation, industry (e.g. nanotechnology industries, SMEs, testing service providers, consultancies), academia, standardisation community, and the civil society (NGOs, trade unions) in a continuous dialogue as we develop the prototype Framework.
Specific consideration will be given to:
- their (further) needs and perspectives,
- the strengths and limitations of the existing grouping and read-across approaches for chemicals and NMs/NFs; and
- the practical usability of the new strategies developed by the project for the purposes of regulator risk assessment, hazard classification, and informing business decisions concerned with the safer design of competitively performing products.
This continuous dialogue is essential for ensuring the development of a Framework that is credible for use in both regulatory and industrial settings. This alignment to stakeholder needs, coupled with our activities to raise awareness, and to provide training and guidance materials, will ensure that the Framework has a legacy beyond the duration of the project.
Interactions between GRACIOUS and other past and current European projects

1st Open consultation on the Draft GRACIOUS Framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials for regulatory risk assessment and safe-by-design
- Is ‘grouping and read across’ an important topic for your organisation?
- Does your organisation have concrete plans with regard to grouping and read-across of nanomaterials?
- How the GRACIOUS Framework can assist in achieving those plans?
These are some of the questions that Horizon2020 Project GRACIOUS seeks to answer in this open consultation. Take the survey at
A short GRACIOUS framework audio description can be viewed here
GRACIOUS Stakeholder Engagement Platform & 2nd Open consultation

GRACIOUS launches its Stakeholder engagement platform and starts its 2nd Open consultation on the GRACIOUS Framework.
Stakeholders from industry, regulators, policy makers, consultants, non-governmental organisations and academia are invited to use the platform to provide their opinions on the progress within the Project.
We want to know if the structure of the GRACIOUS Framework is clear and appropriate for all stakeholders. We want more information about how stakeholders would like the outputs of the Grouping and Read-Across decisions to be presented. We will use your feedback to further refine the GRACIOUS Framework for its official launch in 2021.
Help us build a Framework that meets your needs !
The GRACIOUS stakeholder engagement platform is powered by Bang The Table engagementHQ (GRACIOUS Stakeholder Engagement and Media Partner)