A joint workshop aimed to transfer GRACIOUS results to the newly started NMBP-16 projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS & SUNSHINE.
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A joint workshop aimed to transfer GRACIOUS results to the newly started NMBP-16 projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS & SUNSHINE.
Read ArticleJRC and RTD have published the paper ‘Towards safe and sustainable innovation in nanotechnology: State-of-play for smart nanomaterials’.
Read ArticleGRACIOUS partners will be contributing to a special issue at Nanoimpact on Similarity of Nanoforms.
Read ArticleIn the Framework of Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures, the JRC Nanobiotechnology Laboratory is being opened up for access by external researchers in order to promote the development and exploitation of nanotechnology, advanced materials and related topics.
Read ArticleThe Gracious team have published a paper covering the Gracious Framework and how it is applied in the nanotechnology industry.
Read ArticleThe OECD have recently release new guidance documents covering nanomaterials, they are free to access online.
Read ArticleGRACIOUS project partners have worked together to create and publish a new project paper covering the GRACIOUS Framework. The new publication provides a detailed overview on the GRACIOUS Framework and how to use it in practice. The publication is free to access.
Read ArticleGRACIOUS launches its stakeholder engagement platform and starts an open consultation on the GRACIOUS Framework
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