Scientific workshop on Grouping of Nanomaterials

GRACIOUS has joined forces with the OECD Working Party for Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) and H2020 NanoReg2 project to deliver a 2-day workshop on grouping of nanomaterials.
Following a WPMN meeting on September 11, focussed on Physico-Chemical Parameters Framework for the Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials, NanoReg2 and GRACIOUS host a 2-day ‘Scientific workshop on Grouping of Nanomaterials’. The workshop will feed in results from WPMN and bring together international experts to discuss and recommend how groups of nanomaterials can be developed around Pchem and hazard parameters.
Key sessions include:
- Grouping of nanomaterials: Principles, history and context of Grouping activities
- Over-arching Grouping schemes
- Grouping in practice - Connecting to test methods and strategies
- Development of Grouping recommendations and next steps
Meeting deliverables
The workshop will generate recommendations on nanomaterials grouping intended to support regulatory and standards development and implementation world-wide. Outcomes will be published and promoted to all stakeholders involved in nanomaterials production and regulation.
If you would like to find about the outcomes of the workshop, subscribe to the GRACIOUS Newsletter at
Who should attend?
This meeting invites participation from stakeholders with experience in nanomaterials grouping and Pchem/hazard assessment. Participants are expected to actively participate in discussions and recommendations.
Participation is free of charge and delegates will be expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs.
Download the workshop summary HERE.
Check out the image gallery of the event HERE.
The workshop brought together 120 nanotechnology specialists from Europe, North America and Asia at the OECD to address a bottleneck in nanomaterials (NM) development and testing, with experts from research, industry, regulation and policy taking part. You can find below the agenda and slides from the workshop.
Wednesday 12 September
0900 | Welcome and Introduction
0930 | Session 1: Nanomaterial Grouping: Principles, History and Context Moderator: Andrea Haase, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (DE) |
1100 | Session 2: Cutting Edge Grouping Frameworks Moderator: Claire Skentelbery, Nanotechnology Industries Association (BE) |
1330 | Session 3: Grouping in Practice - Connecting to Test Methods and Test Strategies Moderator: Tomas Puzyn, University of Gdansk (PL)
Breakout Session 1 | |
1630 | Breakout 1: Grouping Frameworks
1630 | Breakout 2: Grouping Frameworks
1630 | Breakout 3: Grouping Frameworks
1730 | Day 1 Close |
Thursday 13 September
Breakout session 2 - Identifying the Components of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment | |
0900 | Breakout 1: What They Are
0900 | Breakout 2: Where They Go and What They Do (Human)
0900 | Breakout 3: Where They Go and What They Do (Environment)
Breakout session 3 - Identifying the Components of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment | |
1100 | Breakout 1: What They Are
1100 | Breakout 2: Where They Go and What They Do (Human)
1100 | Breakout 3: Where They Go and What They Do (Environment)
1400 | Session 4: Reporting from Breakouts (Day 1 & 2) Moderator: Mar Gonzalez, OECD
1530 | Final Panel Discussion Moderators: Andrea Haase, Wendel Wohlleben, Erik Bleeker, Nicholas Manier and Vicki Stone The closing session generates discussion on the conference outcomes from breakout sessions, long term global objectives and the roadmap forwards for effective implementation through multiple routes. |
1630 | Concluding Remarks and Close
Social media coverage
Follow the meeting on Twitter @h2020gracious and @nanotechia #OECDnanogrouping2018.