Nanosafety Training School: From Basic Science To Risk Governance
Interprofessional Education Training School
Message from the Organising Committee
Update as of May 2021
Dear All,
We are informing you that, due to the current COVID pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Italian
Government on face to face events, the Organising Committee has taken the difficult decision to organise
the School as a virtual event to ensure the safety of all attendees.
The Young Scientist Forum Day will be excluded from the revised agenda and will be organised in the framework of future training schools.
The Nano Training School Organising Committee
About the School
This year the Venice Nano Training School celebrates its 10th anniversary.
The School will feature keynote speeches a variety of hands-on sessions aimed to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics from key experts to the new generation of nano-environmental, health and safety, and biomedicine professionals, using interprofessional education.
Become part of an interactive, exciting week and enrich your knowledge by developing multidisciplinary expertise!
Who should attend?
- Early-stage researchers
- PhD students and Post-Docs
- Senior researchers
- Industry
- Governmental Agencies
- Medical Personnel
- Anyone interested in Safe Nanotechnology, Risk Assessment and Nano-Medicine
School Topics
- Hazard to Human Health & Environment
- Fate & Exposure Assessment
- Nanomedicine: from the lab to the market
- Modelling
- Grouping & Read Across Approaches
- Risk Governance
- Safe-by-Design
Draft School Agenda
A draft version of the school agenda is available HERE.
NEW! Confirmed speakers and sessions outlines are available HERE.
To register fill in the registration FORM before 16 June 2021.
The School attendance is free of charge. The maximum number of newly accepted registrations is 200 people and will be on a first come-first served basis. Recordings will be made publicly available on the school website past the event.
School Location
The training school will take place online. Joining instructions will be sent to registered attendees in due time.
School Certificates
Each participant will be given a Certificate of attendance upon request.
Scientific enquiries:
Danail Hristozov, GreenDecision (Italy) | danail.hristozov@greendecision.eu
Stella Stoycheva, Yordas Group (UK) | s.stoycheva@yordasgroup.com
Susanne Resch, BioNanoNet (Austria) | susanne.resch@bionanonet.at
Logistics, local support and administration:
Paola Basso, GreenDecision (Italy) | management@greendecision.eu
Supporting projects
GreenDecision (Venice, IT)
Institute of Occupational Medicine (Edinburgh, UK)
Yordas Group (Forchheim, DE)
Warrant Hub S.p.A (Casalecchio di Reno, IT)
BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Graz, AT)
NC3RS (London, UK)
Aarhus University (Aarhus, DK)
RIVM (Utrecht, NL)
NILU (Kjeller, NO)
These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760928 (BIORIMA), No 814401 (Gov4Nano), No 760840 (GRACIOUS), No 814426 (NanoInformaTIX), No 814530 (NANORIGO), No 760813 (PATROLS), and No 814425 (RiskGONE).