The UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is one of the world’s leading bodies for research within the terrestrial and freshwater sciences. NERC's mission is to provide a sound and informed scientific basis for making environmental decisions at the political, administrative and commercial levels. NERC, through its component organization the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (440 staff), is actively engaged in a number of important national and internationals risk assessment and monitoring programs relating to environmental threats and hazards. NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK) Ecotoxicology and Chemical Risk Group in Wallingford, is led by Dr Claus Svendsen who has coordinated or been a WP leader or partner in many EU-funded projects on biomarkers, chemical mixtures and nano materials from FP4 – H2020, with other major funding from NERC (UK), EFSA and Defra (UK).
Within the field of environmental risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles, NERC-CEH currently coordinate 34 partners in the 4 year EU H2020 NanoFASE (Nanomaterials project focusing on their Release to, transformation and fate in and uptake from the environment - 2015-19) project, and are involved in the EU H2020 Nanosafety projects ACEnano, GRACIOUS and NanoCommons.